Saturday, March 20, 2010


The little boy had heard his grandma wrongly, and combined "blue purse" into "bloopers". This explains why he's looking high and low, when his grandma's blue purse is just on the sofa!

I was thinking, is there such a word as "bloopers"? I haven't come across the word before.

This is from

1. Informal. an embarrassing mistake, as one spoken over the radio or TV.
2. Radio. a receiving set that generates from its antenna radio-frequency signals that interfere with other nearby receivers.
3. Also, bloop. Baseball.
a. Also called looper. a fly ball that carries just beyond the infield.
b. a pitched ball with backspin, describing a high arc in flight.

This is from Longman Web Dictionary:

1. an embarrassing mistake that you make in front of other people [= bloomer British English]
2. a ball in baseball that is high and slow and easy to catch or hit

This is from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:

/blup(r)/ noun (NAmE) an embarrassing mistake that you make in public

So I guess you can't send someone to look for your bloopers and bring them back for you! =P

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